Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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States of the South! the patriot's boast!
Here equal laws have sway ; Nor tyrant lord, nor despot host,
Upon the weak may prey. Then let them rule from sea to sea,
And crown the queenly isle— Union of love and liberty,
'Neath heaven's approving smile.
By " Personne," Correspondent of the Charleston Courier.
Fold away all your bright-tinted dresses,
Turn the key on your jewels to-day, And the wreath of your tendiil-like tresses,
Braid back in a serious waj7: No more delicate gloves, no more laces;
No more trifling in boudoir or bower; But come with your souls in your faces,
To meet the stern wants of the hour.
Look around! By the torch-light unsteady,
The dead and the dying seem one ; What ? trembling and paling already,
Before your mission 's begun ? These wounds are more precious than ghastly;
Time presses her lips to each scar, While she chants of that glory which vastly
Transcends all the horrors of war.